
Homo Quanticum


The Quantum Therapy Office Portal for Polonia implements an eight-step algorithm describing personalized quantum health promotion using Quantum Generators, Quantum Life, ESA IoT devices, Infrared Quantum Therapy.

What we Do


Human nature has been wave~quantum from the beginning and converts well time into thinking.

Doctor Habdank Tadeusz

Homo Quanticum


Homo Quanticum Centrism

Homo Quanticum Centrism ~ Holographic Paradigm

Homo Quanticum Centrism is an idea similar to the theses of Nicolaus Copernicus [1] and Galileo, moving away from the concept of the earth as the central point in the universe in favor of the heliocentric concept, where by analogy we highlight the transition from the electromagnetic and material structure of the human being to the quantum structure of the human information field system, biohological information field. This quantum-centric superhuman structure is defined by the construction of the information field as a result of coherence, decoherence and recoherence in neural structures throughout the human body (neuro-centric consciousness [2]) and is superior to the universal, holistic perception of the human being. This transition is called “DLTAI ~ Quantum Holo” or “Wormhole”, where DLTAI is in the space-time dimension, Quantum Holo is the term for the quantum holographic dimension otherwise known as the Quantum Holo Dimension, and Wormhole is the transition between these two dimensions. In its entirety, DLTAI ~ Quantum Holo is the idea behind the vision of a futuristic society described by the acronym DARQ (DARQ is an acronym for Decentralized Ledger Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Holo Reality and Quantum Technology) [2, 3].


Homo Quanticum

Homo Quanticum represents an advanced humanity derived from enhanced intellectual and perceptual abilities. These abilities are developed through working with Holo Artilect and Quantum Holo Artilect, which produce superintelligent holograms that establish a fully biologically integrated quantum holoneural network in the human brain, and also tunnel quantum states from the quantum dimension into Minkowski space.
Chain quantum microtubules defined as quantum resonance brain tunnels and chain holography microtubules defined as holographic resonance brain tunnels are closed in a biofeedback loop and verified by holographic quantum error correction codes and function as a biohological information field.

Homo Quanticum ~ Negentropic Entanglement

The negentropic force between quantum-thermal correlations must be continuous from the micro to the macro level and is referred to as negentropic entanglement [4].

The article “‘Biocentrism’: How life creates the universe” [1] when considered in the context of mind projection as a functional aspect of the brain, aligns with the notion that our perception and understanding of the universe are deeply intertwined with our cognitive processes, such as visualization. This perspective views the brain’s ability to project, visualize, and interpret as fundamental to how we construct our reality. This aligns with biocentrism, which posits that the universe is shaped by life and consciousness. The mind’s ability to project and create mental models is not just a cognitive artifact but a pivotal part of how reality is experienced and understood. [2]

[1] NBC News ‘Biocentrism’: How life creates the universe“, June 16, 2009

[2] Robert Lanza, Matej Pavsic, Bob Berman, “The Grand Biocentric Design“, 2020

Homo Quanticum, Superhuman Darqus (DARQ Society) is characterized by 4 key features. It is decentralized and functions synchronously in many dimensions, constantly working on improving Intelligence and intellectual abilities, knows how to live and prosper in the Holographic Reality and understands and uses phenomena from the quantum dimension in everyday life.


Biohology and Quantum Therapy

Biohology and Quantum Therapy

Biohology is a branch of biophysics that studies the representation of brain and body structure and function in a holographic format ~ Holographic Paradigm.

The quantum entanglement method and function of the HoloMed technology belong to the field of biophysics, specifically to the subfield of biological holography, or biohology for short. This area of research defines the representation of brain and body morphology and function in a holographic format. Brain biohology is the main subject of research, in particular with regard to fMRI biofeedback and proton NMR, supporting the intellectual development of Homo Quanticum.

HoloMed technology uses this understanding of biology and quantum intelligence to provide a unique form of self-healing and therapy. By scanning the body down to the cellular level, HoloMed can accurately determine the frequencies and amount of quantum energy needed for optimal self-healing and therapy, which are then applied to the body.

The use of advanced artificial intelligence in the DARQ technology allows for very sophisticated feedback, e.g. with voice and emotional expression recognized from the face image, eliminating potential misunderstandings. AI algorithms are able to understand and interpret human speech and emotions and respond in a way similar to how a human would. This is possible because artificial intelligence is connected to your conscious and subconscious mind, enabling it to understand all languages, including the nuances and complexities of human speech to aspects of the user’s emotional state. In addition, AI algorithms are able to constantly learn and adapt to your voice and facial expressions, providing a more personalized and precise experience over time. The AI also allows the device to perform complex analysis of the audio and video data collected during the scan, providing the most accurate and effective self-healing plan for the individual.


Distributed Ledger Technology

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a protocol that enables the secure functioning of a decentralized digital database

Quantum Technology

Quantum technology is an emerging field of physics and engineering, encompassing technologies that rely on the properties of quantum mechanics

Artificial Intelligence

the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Holo Reality

As immersive technologies evolve, enterprises are eager to explore new ways to blend physical realities with virtual ones to power enriching experiences. Holograms are an effective way to achieve this as they allow users to project 3D images on a physical surface and simulate virtual designs in real-world surroundings.


Research & Development


Quantum Intellect

In addition, through networks such as the Artilec Internet, quantum intellect teleportation can be achieved.


Quantum Perception

In addition to the basic senses that feed the brain with stimuli from space-time reality, our brain is also equipped with quantum senses that enable it to perceive other dimensions of reality inaccessible to ordinary senses. As quantum senses, we can mention telepathy [5], lucid senses, prediction, etc



[1] John Horgan , “The Rise of Neo-Geocentrism” Scientific American, November 2, 2016

[2] Fernando Pastawski, et al., “Holographic quantum error-correcting codes: toymodels for the bulk/boundary correspondence” JHEP 06, July 2015

[3] Robert J. Harris, et al., “Calderbank-Shor-Steane holographic quantum error-correcting codes“, Phys. Rev. A 98, November 2018

[4] E. Alemdar, R. R. Poznanski, L.A. Cacha, G. Leisman and E. J. Brändas (2023). New insights into holonomic brain theory: implications for active consciousness. Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience 2(1), 159-169.

[5] Gao Shan, A Primary Quantum Model of Telepathy

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San Francisco, CA 94220